Spiritual Poems

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The Painted Over Saint

The painting on the wall
Reveals pain to all who call there
A monument of dread
Dead end to sorrow's artless maw

Of appendage lacking beasts of prey
Harboring calls of wildness in them
To leap out and pray that they
Might find themselves within

The dried fluid of painful memory loss
Reveals itself to faded mind
Aching, caressing the dross
Of putrid, withered lies

Freedom blows through the branches
Of the upper crest so high
Above the trees there flows the breeze
Of the sea and its thoughtful sigh

To remember what before there lay
Upon the solvent slate
What of the alabaster pane
Where now caked clay there flakes

The painted halls of memory
Remind us all to muse
On the fire of freedoms fervor
For the sacred truths

You may think that what is written
Had a sudden change of heart,
And I assure that all shall be
Apparent as you start

To study that which is not clear
Is to design your fate
The path, the truth, they all will show
The painted over saint

© 2007 Orion Beaufort. Used with permission.

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