Just a Light

by Laurie Dale

When I was fifteen my younger sister was in a car accident. She hit her head on the dashboard and had major brain swelling. The doctors said she would be fine in two weeks but to no avail, she was diagnosed to die at least 6 times that year.

She was finally diagnosed to be a vegetable for life, and the only reason they wouldn't "pull the plug" was that there were one or two brain waves on the EKG.

Six months later my grandma passed away a day before my sixteenth birthday. I was beyond lost, sad, angry and devastated. I am not sure when I actually had this dream but it still lives with me today-

I woke in our two-story, three-bedroom apartment and look out my window to see an escalator on the curve of our street, it was blonde in color, a lot of yellow in the sky, maybe brighter-anyhow I am so sad at a major loss and I just see this long line of people going up this escalator and all I know is I WANT TO BE GOING UP!

As I reach the bottom of the stairs the opening at the top of the stairs seems to open and someone tells me "NO, it is not my time" I stand there sad but understanding that my time is not up! I must continue my path!

So I continue- this part I am going to shorten, had my son at 20, got Crohns at a month after my 22nd bday- my little sis finally died in 95 and it was a fight to the end!-3 years later I am in my senior year at college and sicker than I have ever been, endured more pain than most-

Skip a year and after graduation my small bowel perforated and 3 people total strangers saved me! 1st the guy that was on his cell phone at my sons football game that called 911- this happened in 1999- 2nd the social worker who helped me not have to pay for all the expenses-recent graduate who was poorer than I wanted to be-3rd the woman who helped me through the hospital for a follow up appt. After all these experiences I believe the black women had a direct line to our Lord- and that guy who owned a cell phone before it was even a thing was an angel!

Anyhow I survived of course but have struggled with faith until that August day in 99 - I have known since then- I am looked after!

What I am supposed to be doing is another question but I know in my heart it will be answered!

Life throws us crazy, hurtful, happiness beyond words, experiences that floor us, and all I know through all my rebellion that the LORD and these Angels are ALWAYS with us! There is a lot more to this story but shorter is always read!

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