I Know

by Eleen

I had a dream that I was in a field where the grass was very green, the sky was so blue and the air just felt so good.

I was enjoying the beauty of the place and right behind me is a very, very tall and slim man in white long sleeve top and white pants. He has white skin and his hair was golden brown.

When I woke up, I felt so good about that dream and without any doubt in my heart, I knew that he is my guardian angel. But it didn't end there and that dream had a second part that I never thought would have.

The next dream was that same man, but this time I felt like that I was in my bed sleeping and yet my eyes were sort of open. He just gazed straight to my eyes - very, very close to my eyes - and his beautiful dark brown eyes were staring at mine. It wasn't only that, but I felt so much love and comfort as he gazed at me. It was "something" I have never felt before. It is the best dream I ever had in my life. It is the best feeling I ever felt.

I think, he made me experience God's love. It is so beautiful...very beautiful!

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