by Rita

Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael

I was diagnosed with hepatitis B about 2 years ago, after intense itching all day all night.

I was devastated and totally shattered, considering the fact that this disease is sexually transmitted or through the blood.

I have never been promiscuous. I met my husband a virgin and by the grace of God, I have remained faithful all through our marriage. It was, therefore, a mystery how I contacted the disease, thankfully my husband was negative.

I prayed fervently and fasted, calling on Angel Raphael to help heal me, at one such prayer session I had an overwhelming smell of burning wood all around me, I turned around but it was just my prayer group praying fervently...all of a sudden I felt dizzy and had to sit down.

It's been a month now and I feel very healthy, the itching has stopped and I give thanks to God and Angel Raphael for his help.

All I wish for now is to see an angel.
I love you so much God.

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