Falling backwards

by R. Cyr
(Bangor Me.)

While hiking the Appalachain Trail in Tenn, near Laurel falls, I had a 50lb. pack with an external frame made of aluminum which was 6 in. taller than my head.

It was March. A cold day. The trail went along a fast moving river, 4 ft. deep, lots of rocks and white water next to a cliff.

Along the cliff was a section that stuck out about head high. I ducked my head but the metal frame hit the ledge which threw me off balance, I was going backwards, flailing my arms heading in the ice cold water.

Well, my guardian angel helped, all of a sudden a gust of wind pushed me forward where I regained my balance.

I was so happy and thankful and became a true believer that there is always an angel with us. I finished the journey, all the way to Maine, a little more careful, and realized we are here for a purpose, and our angels are here to help us accomplish that purpose. R. Cyr.

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