Archangel Michael did something to my car

by Christian-Monet
(Norman, Ok)

My engine light has been on for almost two months with no real symptom of anything was actually wrong.

Last night I prayed silently in my heart in a conversation with Archangel Michael.

My car does not start well below 32...well this morning my car gave me no grief starting up and the engine light was off miraculously.

I giggled with excitement saying "no way no way" "omg!!!"

Thank you lord for your angels. Thank you Michael for the help. My car performed with ease for the 1st time in a while.

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Me too
by: Patricia

Oh good, I'm gad someone else does this. Thanks for sharing Christian.
I had a car once that Archangel Michael kept on the road. I would pray to him each time I needed to start the car. He came through each time, but if the times I ddn't pray it would not start.
He is a real blessing.

He who test the Hearts of men
by: Anonymous

I once asked God "Why have I had to borrow money all my life? Why am I so destitute?"
and the words telepathically came to me
"You are He who test the Hearts of men".

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